How's it going babes? I can barely catch my boy to take pictures of him, he won't be still for a second :) It was so much easier when he was a little baby :) We were home today the majority of the day, I ran some errands in the afternoon and of course Rayan was with me. It is so fun lately, he enjoys driving in the car, and being in his stroller, he really makes it easy for me :)

When we're home we spend quite some time playing on this beauutful playmat from Skip hop. When Rayan started crawling I decided to get one, and I really didn't like those typical colorful playmats with letters and numbers, I wanted something more neat an simple, especially cause I have it in the living room. I was looking everywhere for it, and then finally found it HERE. It is super cute and you can make lots of different patterns with it ;)

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