Hey beauties! How are you all doing? We just came home, I have been shopping with my little man for almost the whole afternoon. We ran out of everything in the house, food and baby supplies, I always make sure I have a spare everything when it comes to baby stuff, but I found myself with the last two diapers in my hands and was like - how did that happen?!
Fortunately baby Rayan was a really good boy today, he was sleeping for two hours straight when I was shopping, so I took my time. Hopefully he will be so good tonight as well, cause the last couple of nights.. huh.. lets just say my son is a little party boy :)
We are going to play with Rayan now, and then put him to sleep. And later we are planing to have a movie night, since PopcornTime is alivee again yeey :) fingers crossed baby will cooperate :)

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